無字 中字英字對話Julien se ah couple !Maybe this time camping !While cooking the food, they say 'I'm hungry' at the same time.So SA says "jji jji bbong"(In korea, if someone says samething at the same time, we usually say 'jji jji bbong)And the other person say upside down like bbong jji jjiSA:it's my first time to go campingJulien: Really? Wow today you did so many first things like bumjee jumping and camping...SA:Then what about you?Julien:Actually when I was in Canada, I usually used to go camping.SA:With who?Julien: ....um with my friendsSA: with girlfriend?Julien also get embrassed. just one time SA get depressed because these things are the first to her but for julien...he did all the things alreadaySo julien says but camping car is my first time !!!!Suddenly he take out the letter from his parents.Letter says: To sa ah.Live happily Im so sorry for living far from you.Anyway really thanks for your food !ohohoh kkkk really really delicious food.They also say the samething at the same time.This time julien did jji jji bbong wow adapt so fast
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