
JYP Entertainment to take Legal Action Against Netizen Sexually Harassing miss A’s Bae Suzy
miss A’s Suzy has been caught in the middle of a sexual harassment case, after a netizen sent Suzy inappropriate pictures via SNS.
On December 24, JYP Entertainment announced that it will be taking legal action against a netizen who has sexually harassed Suzy on Twitter. The company has requested a cyber investigation and will not take this matter lightly.
JYP Entertainment stated that not only is the content being tweeted at Suzy offensive, but it is even more serious because Suzy is currently still a minor.
The netizen in question has sent photos of an unidentified man doing obscene actions to a life-size cardboard cutout of Suzy. The netizen has also used offensive terms about people in Jeolla-do, which is where Suzy is from.
Fellow JYP Entertainment singer, 2AM’s Lim Seulong tweeted, “Imagine if something like this happened to my family, or someone I care about. Investigations will have to start in order to find the people hidden behind anonymity that target people without power, but I for one will not rest until everything is made right.”
miss A 團員 Suzy 最近在網路上受到性騷擾,經紀公司 JYP Entertainment 決定將採取法律行動。
在22日,某位網友在推特散佈對 Suzy 照片做不雅行為的圖片,並且用貶低的辭語來攻擊 Suzy。於是在今天稍早,經紀公司表示:「我們將採取法律行動,並且向警方報案,一定會追究當事人的法律責任, Suzy 她不僅僅是一位藝人,還只是一位高中生,實在不明白他怎麼可以對一位年輕女孩做出這樣的舉動,我們強烈譴責這樣的行為!」
其實同樣的事情也曾經發生在 Wonder Girls 的昭熙身上,當時某位大學生將近一年的時間在推特散佈惡意的留言,經紀公司於今年四月報警處理,此一大學生最後以公然侮辱及違反網路個人資料保護法被起訴。